We've all heard the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words," right?
Still, it's important to remember how much impact a single post can have on your professional image.
Take, for instance, the story of the "Crying CEO" on LinkedIn.
He shared a selfie of himself in tears after having to make layoffs at his company.

While his intention might have been to express empathy, the post unexpectedly went viral and received a mixed response, affecting his professional reputation.
This serves as a gentle reminder to be mindful of the content we share and how it might be perceived in the professional community.
To avoid similar pitfalls and maintain a positive online presence, in this article we'll cover 8 topics on what NOT to post on LinkedIn.
Let’s dive in!
11 Types Of Posts You Should NOT Post On LinkedIn
#1 Steer Clear of Political or Controversial Topics
Avoid controversial topics such as politics or religion, as they can be divisive and damage your professional reputation.
People often have strong emotions associated with these subjects, leading to a polarizing environment and negative reactions from those with opposing views.
For example, posting a politically charged article about a recent election may result in a heated debate that alienates potential clients or partners (even if they agree with your opinion).
Just imagine how you would feel if you saw your potential partner sharing a politically charged article with a caption like:
⚠️ "This is why I'll never vote for [Candidate's Name]!"
And even if you agree with her beliefs, would you consider that is relevant to your business network?

On top of all of this, in 2022, LinkedIn was testing out a “no-politics” feature, which filtered out content about political squabbles, future presidential leaders, and more.
That was LinkedIn's response to the members' feedback about how increased political posts were deterring the visitor's experience.
#2 Sharing Personal Milestones and Life Events
LinkedIn is increasingly becoming a platform for sharing personal stories that inspire and highlight individual personalities.
However, it's crucial to distinguish between sharing relatable experiences and divulging personal updates that don't pertain to your professional life.
For example, posting about your child's birthday party or your recent vacation might not be appropriate to share with your LinkedIn connections.

Instead, reserve these updates for a more personal social network like Facebook or Instagram.
Examples of personal updates to avoid:
🚫 Uploading photos from nightclubs or vacation spots.
🚫 Narrating personal stories that have no connection to your professional journey or skills.
🚫 Providing regular updates on everyday activities, like gym sessions or social gatherings with friends.
But does it mean you should never post something from your private life on LinkedIn?
Of course Not!
Personal stories help your network to learn who you are, what matters to you, and what struggles and wins you had in life.
If you are inspired by a story from your life, or you learned something from your kid today, you can share it.
Just make it relevant.
#3 Posting Negative Feedback or Voicing Complaints
Posting negative posts, comments, or complaints about your job, colleagues, or clients can be highly damaging to your professional reputation.

For example, publicly criticizing your ex-boss for their management style or complaining about a difficult client can make it difficult to find new opportunities or build trust with potential partners.
What data says about negative and toxic content on social media platforms?
📈 69% of social media users are ignoring toxic content.
📈 45% of social media users surveyed said they'd unfriend/unfollow the particular poster.
📈 17% said they'd report them.
So what to do when you want to share a negative story? Wrap it more in the post about mistakes, myths (that you overcame), or lessons learned. LinkedIn members will appreciate that much more.
#4 Posting Content That is Inappropriate or Lacks Professionalism
It's essential to stay away from sharing any content on LinkedIn that could be seen as offensive, vulgar, or simply inappropriate.
This includes jokes, memes, or any material that might come off as insensitive.
For example, sharing a meme with crude language or an inappropriate image (like an image from the beach) may damage your credibility.
Such content can make it difficult for others to take you seriously and therefore falls under the "things you should never post on LinkedIn" category.

When considering a post that's a bit edgy, it's crucial to reflect on the message you're conveying and how it might be perceived by someone encountering your profile for the first time.
Ask yourself, is this the impression you want to leave?
This isn't to say you should never post a meme or gif, but it's important to be mindful of the underlying message such content sends.
#5 Sharing Content Unrelated to Your Professional Interests or Industry
Posting content that doesn't align with the interests of your audience or your industry can appear unprofessional or even spam-like.
For example, sharing a personal favorite cake recipe or offering a review of a trending TV show is generally not suitable for a platform like LinkedIn.

Rather, it's advisable to concentrate on topics related to your industry and areas of expertise.
A strategic approach is to define 3 to 5 key topics or 'pillars' that you wish to regularly discuss. By consistently focusing on these subjects, you ensure that your posts not only add value to your professional network but also strengthen your personal brand.
#6 Advertising Consumer Products in Excessive Promotional Posts
While LinkedIn is primarily a B2B space, some consumer product promotion can work for luxury products like cars.
However, promotional material for items such as makeup, clothing, toys, or furniture is generally out of place.
For example, sharing a discount code for a clothing brand may not resonate with your audience and can appear out of touch.

It is always a smarter choice to focus on sharing content that speaks to your industry and target audience.
#7 Overdoing Self-Promotion Without Offering Valuable Insights or Content
While the occasional sales pitch is acceptable, constant self-promotion without providing value to your audience can be off-putting.
For example, if every post is about your new e-book or coaching services without offering actionable advice or insights, you risk alienating your audience.

When creating your LinkedIn posts, it's important to prioritize offering valuable content and keep self-promotion to a minimum for maximum impact.
#8 Sharing Excessively Personal Information or Oversharing Details
On LinkedIn, it's important to maintain a professional demeanor and be cautious about sharing content that could be perceived as uncomfortable or unprofessional.
This approach is especially critical if you are actively seeking employment opportunities.
Employers and recruiters frequently review LinkedIn profiles to assess if candidates are a good match for their company's culture and professional atmosphere.

Sharing personal updates, like details about a recent break-up or your health issues, might be perceived as oversharing in this context.
It's advisable to center your content around professional achievements and industry knowledge.
Remember, LinkedIn is a professional network, and the content you share should mirror that level of professionalism.
#9 Utilizing Clichés and Overused Industry Buzzwords
While it's essential to showcase your skills and expertise on LinkedIn, relying too heavily on overused buzzwords and clichés can make your content appear generic and uninteresting.
For example, describing yourself as a "guru," "ninja," or "rockstar" can be off-putting to potential employers or clients who are seeking genuine, authentic professionals.
The use of buzzwords is quite noticeable on LinkedIn feeds.
An interesting example is a post by a team lead from the US, stating they are "NOT looking for ninjas, gurus, or wizards":

#10 Creating Misleading Headlines or Clickbait Titles
LinkedIn is a great place for professionals to share insights, knowledge, and updates about their careers and industries.
However, one of the common LinkedIn mistakes is the use of misleading headlines and clickbait.
While catchy titles attract attention, misleading ones erode trust and credibility.

Imagine scrolling through your feed and coming across a LinkedIn post with the headline, "You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!" only to find mundane or unrelated content.
It’s best to avoid such tactics.
Instead, opt for clear, concise, and honest headlines that accurately represent the content.
This approach not only respects the intelligence of your audience but also builds trust.
#11 Disclosing Confidential or Proprietary Information
Even though this type of post seems obvious, it shouldn’t be overlooked.
Sharing confidential or proprietary information on LinkedIn can have severe consequences for both you and your company.
For instance, some posts to be wary of include:
🚫 Announcing a new product launch before it's officially made public,
🚫 Revealing sensitive financial information, or
🚫 Sharing content from internal company chats.
All mentioned and similar actions could lead to legal consequences.
Always adhere to company guidelines and ensure that the information you share on LinkedIn is appropriate and cleared for public disclosure.
Wrapping Up
Remember that being professional on LinkedIn goes a long way in boosting your personal brand and making meaningful business connections.
By being aware of these 11 post types that you shouldn’t post on LinedIn, you're setting yourself up for creating content that's both valuable and engaging.
Here's a friendly tip: keep these practices in mind to protect your brand and reputation.
And if you're looking to step up your LinkedIn game, why not give AuthoredUp a try?
It's a fantastic tool designed just for LinkedIn to help you craft posts that truly resonate with your audience, all while dodging those common slip-ups.
What AuthoredUp Tool Offers?

What Is Not Allowed on Your LinkedIn Profile?
LinkedIn prohibits misinformation, which includes false news, deceptive media, and historical event denials. Sharing such content can undermine trust and lead to penalties from LinkedIn.
To avoid this, always fact-check and verify your sources before sharing.
How to Avoid Spreading Misinformation on LinkedIn?
Ensure the accuracy of your information by fact-checking and using reliable sources.
This maintains both the platform's integrity and your professional credibility.

Can I Post Personal Pictures on LinkedIn?
Your content strategy on LinkedIn shouldn't revolve solely around personal pictures.
However, appropriate personal images can be used to share experiences and tell a story when relevant.
It's important not to post personal pictures just for the sake of it. Avoid posting inappropriate images, like those from vacations or nights out, or pictures unrelated to your message.
Focus instead on professional photos, such as those from conferences or meetings, that help convey your message effectively.
Can I Put Anything on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn has strict rules of what is prohibited from the platform. So you cannot post anything you want on LinkedIn.
However, even if some content is not prohibited, there are informal rules about what you shouldn't post on this business networking platform.