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How to Edit a Scheduled Post on LinkedIn: A Quick Guide

Discover how to edit a scheduled post on LinkedIn easily from a single place to streamline your publishing activities.

Linkedin Tutorials
min read

We’ve all been there – you spend hours crafting a LinkedIn post, you feel good about the content, and know exactly when you want to publish it.

You hit “Schedule” but then you realize that there is a mistake in your post.

Don't panic!

In this article, you will learn how to edit a scheduled post, and what steps to take to prevent future mistakes.

Let's start! 

Can You Edit a Scheduled Post?

Unfortunately, unlike some social platforms, LinkedIn does not permit the editing of scheduled posts

With this limitation, LinkedIn prevents users from baiting connections with one message before changing it into something completely different.

Still, small and innocent posting mistakes happen. Whether it is a typo, wrong date, or you should have included some important piece of information in your post.

The good news is that there is still a way you can fix things by deleting or rescheduling your content.

How to Delete and Reschedule Posts on LinkedIn?

Sometimes when you are checking your scheduled post you may feel like it needs an entire remake.

Changes like topic relevance, media assets, or a simple misspelling may call for deletion and recreation as a completely new post.

Here are the steps if you decide to delete or reschedule your original scheduled post:

  1. Click “Start a post” at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  1. Click the “Clock icon on the left of the “Create a post option.
  1. In the “Schedule post” pop-up, click “View all scheduled posts” in the lower-left corner.
  1. Click on the “Delete” button to delete the post or on the “Clock” icon to reschedule it for another time.

By doing this, you prevent outdated content from going public.

It will take you additional time to create a new post, but in the long run, it will pay off as you will remain a credible source of information to your followers.

Reduce Mistakes: Tips for Minimizing Errors

While mistakes can happen to all of us, good planning ahead can reduce them to a minimum.

There are a couple of things that you should do before scheduling your post to avoid the process of deleting and creating a new one. Let's start!

1. Fact-Check Your Content

When you are creating a post always do deep research into a topic that you are about to cover.

Make sure that your content is up to date and that all the information that you display to your audience is credible.

As we said before, adding additional information or changing it in an already scheduled post is not possible. So, do your research to save yourself valuable time!

Overall, fact-checking before scheduling is essential for:

  • building trust with your audience,
  • preventing the spread of misinformation, and
  • maintaining credibility.

💡Pro Tip

AuthoredUp’s Drafts feature allows you to save your ideas and come back to them later to add new pieces of information or to double-check facts.


From there, when you are ready, you can easily edit and schedule your content for posting.

2. Format Your Posts

Facing a wall of text can quickly overwhelm the average LinkedIn user, leading them to not even pay attention to your content.

By formatting your post, you can visually manipulate the text to make its most important parts stand out.

Proper formatting of your content can help you:

Make sure to highlight parts of your post with bold and italic text to catch people's attention.

However, you should always take your time with formatting, and carefully choose what information is most important to highlight because future changes will not be possible.

💡Pro Tip

Use AuthoredUp’s Text Editor to empower your creativity.

It allows you to easily add bold and italic text, bullet points, emojis, numbering lists, and more to make your content stand out at first sight.

3. Adjust Your Content for Different Devices

When it comes to attracting people on LinkedIn, the first impression your post makes is crucial.

Sometimes your scheduled post just doesn't look right in the feed. This happens because LinkedIn content doesn’t appear the same on all devices.

For example, if your post looks great on a mobile app it doesn't mean that it will look the same on a desktop or tablet.

Here are 3 main reasons why you should preview your post before scheduling it:

  1. Your sentence might get unexpectedly cut off.
  2. The paragraphs could appear bulky and overwhelming.
  3. Your hook might not display properly, and the last sentence might be hidden behind the “see more” button.

However, since LinkedIn doesn’t offer a built-in way to preview posts you might need the help of a tool.

💡Pro Tip

AuthoredUp allows you to preview how your posts will look on different devices before you publish them.


Whether you are on your desktop, tablet, or smartphone you can craft and preview your posts with ease.

You can try the Free Post Preview Tool to make sure that your post looks good on all devices.

4. Use Templates to Avoid Mistakes

Templates can be really helpful for ensuring consistency and accuracy in your LinkedIn posts.

They provide a predefined structure for your content, ensuring that you don't forget all the necessary elements such as introduction, main content, or call to action.

Since they are already predefined, templates leave no space for mistakes such as spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes.

But be careful.

Try to always add something that makes you unique to your posts to avoid looking robotic to your audience.

💡Pro Tip

AuthoredUp offers you an extensive template library with over 200 hand-crafted hooks.


These hooks are created to help your content stand out and attract new readers while leaving no room for any mistakes!

Furthermore, to make sure that your CTAs are consistently impactful and clear you can use the Endings feature.


With Endings, you have access to over 150 customizable CTAs that you can use based on your content type, and avoid any writing errors.

5. Find the Optimal Time for Posting

Before scheduling your posts, you should analyze when your target audience is most active.

Tracking your audience activity is of huge importance for your LinkedIn success as it improves your reach and engagement on the platform.

For example, you can have followers from different time zones, so you have to adjust your schedule based on that.

Did you know that the best time for posting on LinkedIn is between 8:00 to 11:00 AM?

However, not every day of the week is ideal for publishing your content. As studies show you should prioritize posting on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

With this approach, you can avoid unnecessary rescheduling and have a content strategy ready for all of your followers.

Keep in mind that there are optimal times for posting different types of content to maximize engagement on LinkedIn.


💡Pro Tip

AuthoredUp’s analytics can help you gain a better understanding of your audience by analyzing your profile performance.

Features like Reaction Timeline help you discover how different types of posts resonate with your audience and when you are getting the highest engagement.


Calendar View feature makes your scheduling process easier. Once you find the right time to post and schedule your post through AuthoredUp, it will automatically appear in your Calendar.


From there you can easily reschedule and delete posts directly from Calendar if necessary.


Since it is impossible to edit a scheduled post on Linkedin you should take your time while creating your content to prevent any mistakes.

Deleting and rewriting it is always an option, but we can agree that it is not the best solution.

With some planning and review in advance, you can continue posting to LinkedIn with confidence.

And the best part is that you don’t have to do it all alone.

Leverage AuthoredUp for Enhanced Editing of Your LinkedIn Posts

AuthoredUp’s wide range of features helps you to carefully prepare your content, and leave no room for any errors.

With AuthoredUp by your side, you can:

⚡Boost your creativity through bold, italic text, bullet points, and emoji with the Editor feature.

⚡Bring your posts to life with the Attach feature by attaching dynamic elements like pools, videos, and animated GIFs.

⚡Explore a collection of 200+ hooks and 150+ call-to-action templates.

⚡Get a glimpse of how your posts will appear once published with the Preview feature.

⚡Use the Readability Score feature to instantly evaluate the clarity of your content.

⚡Repurpose your top-performing content with the Reuse feature.

⚡Save and edit your posts before scheduling with Drafts.

⚡Gain insight into your content’s performance with detailed analytics.

Start your 14-day free trial with AuthoredUp now and continue posting your content with confidence!

FAQ on Editing Scheduled Posts

Can I Edit the Image or Video of a Scheduled LinkedIn Post?

You can not edit an image/video of a scheduled post. Once the media is attached to a scheduled post, you cannot swap it. You will need to delete and recreate a new post.

Do Scheduled Posts Get Less Views on LinkedIn?

It's an old myth that scheduled posts are seen differently than manually published posts. In reality, there is no difference.

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