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8 Steps To Create LinkedIn Content Strategy That Generates Sales

Discover the crucial steps to create a sales-generating LinkedIn content strategy that drives results and fosters valuable connections.

Linkedin Growth
min read

Did you know that a whopping 82% of B2B marketers report that LinkedIn outperforms all other social media platforms in generating leads?

Think of LinkedIn as a long-distance run rather than a quick dash.

Sure, lots of folks jump in hoping to make a quick buck by sprucing up their profile and tossing out a few posts, expecting leads to just roll in.

But the real magic happens when you focus on building lasting connections.

In this article, we're going to explore the essential steps for crafting a LinkedIn content strategy that does more than just boost your visibility.

We'll guide you through how to use your content to turn your LinkedIn visitors into valuable connections.

Let's dive in!

Benefits of LinkedIn Content Strategy for Businesses

You can spend months creating content and not seeing any results.

We've seen that happen hundreds of times.

That's why a well-defined LinkedIn content strategy is vital for businesses.

It not only saves time and resources but also ensures that your efforts yield tangible outcomes.

Here are some key benefits:


8 Steps To Create LinkedIn Content Strategy

You see, LinkedIn content strategy is all about hitting the right notes with your content in the LinkedIn feed, even if it seems like no one's biting.

People might be saving your posts, sharing them, or simply keeping you in mind for later.

Start with offering real value and making genuine connections.

Trust me, the revenue will start flowing naturally over time, and before you know it, you'll see it multiplying!

Let’s see how to create that ultimate strategy!

1. Identify Your ICP

When starting out, it's crucial to focus on just one Ideal Customer Profile.

Where to start from?

Focus on one Ideal ICP—it's all about knowing your target group inside out.

This makes your marketing and content way more spot-on. You'll understand their needs, challenges, and likes better.

The top ICPs to focus on?

They vary based on your business and industry.

Here are 3 common ICPs that many businesses target:

🎯 Small to Medium-Sized Business Owners — This group often seeks solutions to grow their businesses, manage operations more efficiently, or increase their online presence. They are typically decision-makers looking for cost-effective and scalable solutions.

🎯 Corporate Executives — These are high-level professionals in larger corporations who make or influence major purchase decisions. They are often looking for premium, high-impact solutions that can enhance productivity, profitability, or corporate strategy.

🎯 Startup Founders — Startup founders are usually in search of innovative, flexible solutions that can scale with their rapidly growing businesses. They value efficiency, agility, and modern approaches to business problems.


2. Define Metrics and Goals

When shaping your LinkedIn strategy, focus on what you can control: real engagement metrics like comments, direct messages, and website clicks.

Skip chasing impressions or virality—they're unreliable and don't always lead to real results. Instead, aim for consistent, quality interactions instead of one-hit wonders. This approach builds stronger, lasting connections.

Here are the goals to keep an eye on:

🎯 Number of Inquiries — Track how many people reach out to you directly for coaching services after reading your posts.

🎯 Engagement Rate — Measure the number of meaningful interactions (like thoughtful comments or shares) that indicate genuine interest in your content.

🎯 Website Traffic — Monitor how many visitors are directed to your website from LinkedIn, which is a more actionable metric than mere views or likes.


These metrics can ensure that your LinkedIn strategy is aligned with real business outcomes, like acquiring new clients, rather than just gaining transient visibility.

💡 Pro Tip – Analyze Post Interactions With AuthoredUp

AuthoredUp tool excels in extensive analytics for your LinkedIn content.

Among other metrics, AuthoredUp provides you with a valuable Reaction Timeline, providing insights into how your audience interacts with your content over time.

This can help you understand the patterns and trends of engagement.


Explore the impact of various post types on your audience, uncover the reactions they trigger, and gain insights into which styles of posts effectively stir specific emotions in your followers.

3. Define the Type of Content You’ll Post

Tailor your LinkedIn content to match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Make sure it hits the right notes with their preferences and speaks directly to them.

To nail this, dive into what your ICP really wants and needs.

Ask yourself:

  • What are their big questions?
  • Their main challenges?
  • Their goals?

Say your ICP is a small business owner - they're likely looking for tips on growing their business or making their operations smoother.

Keep this focus in mind when you create your content. Here is how:

🎯 Address Their Struggles and Aspirations — Create content that not only acknowledges their struggles but also provides solutions or insights. This could include tips, case studies, industry news, or thought leadership articles that speak directly to their needs and aspirations.

🎯 Match Content Format to Preferences — Different ICPs may prefer different types of content. Some might engage more with video tutorials or webinars, while others might prefer detailed blog posts or quick tips.

🎯 Incorporate the Right Emotions — It's important to strike the right emotional tone in your content. While it's tempting to use negative emotions to grab attention, this often doesn't convert well in terms of building a positive brand image. Instead, focus on inspiring, educating, and empowering your audience. Positive, solution-oriented content tends to foster trust and credibility.

This customer-centric approach ensures that your content is not only engaging but also effective in achieving your business objectives.

💡 Pro Tip – Monitor Post Type Performance With AuthoredUp

Use AuthoredUp to keep an eye on how different post types perform with your audience.


It's a great way to determine which types of content click with your followers, giving you valuable insights into what works best.

4. Build Your LinkedIn Profile or Company Page

Your LinkedIn audience typically goes on a journey: they spot your post, get hooked, and head over to your profile or company page.

That's why it's super important to have a sharp and clear profile or page.

Make sure it quickly tells people who you are, what you do, and the value you bring.

A clear intro helps visitors get the gist of you or your business right away. (Optimize your "About me" section and Company page decription with our FREE LinkedIn summary tool)

Here are some important elements to work on right away:

🎯 Consistent Branding and Messaging — Ensure that the branding and messaging across your profile or page are consistent with your posts. This consistency helps in building a cohesive and professional image.

🎯 Optimize Your Featured Section — For personal profiles, make full use of the featured section. This area is perfect for showcasing your best work, key achievements, or any content that highlights your expertise or the services you provide.

🎯 Call to Action — Include a clear call to action (CTA). Tell visitors what you want them to do next - whether it’s contacting you, visiting your website, or checking out your services.


Remember, your LinkedIn profile or company page is often the first impression you make.

It should not only resonate with your audience but also encourage them to take the next step in engaging with you or your business.

5. Set Up Your Content Calendar

Creating a content calendar is a crucial step in ensuring your LinkedIn strategy is both consistent and effective.

By planning your posts in advance, you can maintain a steady flow of content, aligning it with key business events, industry trends, and seasonal topics.

This approach not only helps in organizing your content themes and publishing schedule but also ensures that your messaging is timely, relevant, and engaging for your audience.

Here is how to achieve that:

🎯 Focus on Consistency Over Frequency — It's more important to post consistently rather than frequently. You can start with a manageable schedule, like 2 or 3 posts per week, and maintain it. This regularity helps in building an engaged audience and establishing your presence on LinkedIn.

🎯 Plan Your Content in Advance — Use your content calendar to plan out your posts in advance. This allows you to thoughtfully craft your content, align it with your strategy, and ensure it resonates with your Ideal Customer Profile.

💡 Pro Tip - Schedule Posts with AuthoredUp

Tools like AuthoredUp enable you to effectively manage the schedule of your posts with an integrated LinkedIn scheduling feature and Content Calendar View.

This approach helps you post content at the optimal times, even when you're not online.


Remember, a well-planned content calendar ensures that you’re not just posting for the sake of posting, but each piece of content is a strategic step towards achieving your LinkedIn goals.

6. Define a Plan for Improvements

Consistently refining your approach is essential for a dynamic and successful LinkedIn strategy. By frequently evaluating how your content performs and how your audience interacts with it, you can pinpoint opportunities for improvement.

Develop a strategy that involves regular reviews and updates, taking into account feedback and the evolving preferences of your audience.

This proactive method will keep your LinkedIn presence fresh, relevant, and in sync with your business goals.

Where to start looking?

🎯 Regularly Review and Analyze Performance — Set aside time to regularly review the performance of your LinkedIn content. Use the analytics tools provided by LinkedIn or external tools to get insights into what's working and what isn’t.

🎯 Gather Feedback — Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from your audience or peers. This can provide valuable insights into how your content is perceived and what might be improved.

🎯 Set Specific Improvement Goals — Based on your analysis, set clear, achievable goals for improvement. This could involve enhancing engagement rates, increasing follower count, or improving the quality of leads generated.

🎯 Experiment and Learn — Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content, posting schedules, and engagement techniques. The digital landscape is always evolving, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Be prepared to adapt and evolve your strategy.

🎯 Document Changes and Results — Keep a record of the changes you make and the results they yield. This documentation will help you understand the impact of your modifications and guide future strategies.

7. Measure Content Performance and Adjust It Accordingly

Stay on top of your LinkedIn content's performance by regularly checking engagement rates, click-throughs, and follower growth.

Use these insights to fine-tune your approach, experimenting with various post styles, subjects, and timing.

This ongoing process of evaluation and adaptation is crucial to ensure your LinkedIn strategy effectively resonates with your audience and remains up-to-date.

Again, what is the best practice?

🎯 Utilize Analytics Tools — Regularly use analytics tools to measure the performance of your posts. Look at metrics like engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to get a clear picture of what's resonating with your audience.

🎯 Identify Patterns and Trends — Analyze your content to identify patterns and trends. Which types of posts get the most engagement? What topics are your audience most responsive to? Understanding these patterns can help you create more of what your audience likes.

🎯 Adjust Strategy Based on Data — Use the insights gained from your analysis to adjust your content strategy. If certain types of posts perform better, consider producing more of that content. If some topics don't resonate as well, think about tweaking them or trying new ideas.

🎯 Iterate and Evolve — Remember that social media trends and audience preferences can change quickly. Be prepared to iterate and evolve your strategy based on ongoing performance data.

💡 Pro Tip - Leverage In-depth and Insightful Analytics with AuthoredUp

AuthoredUp provides you with detailed analytics to elevate your LinkedIn strategy.

Track your profile's growth, compare posts side-by-side, and analyze campaign performance over time.


This data-driven approach helps refine your content for better results.

8. LinkedIn Content Strategy — Bonus Tips

Lastly, let's go over some additional tips that are invaluable for enhancing your LinkedIn content strategy and boosting sales:

✅ Engage with Other People's Content — Remember, a successful content strategy on LinkedIn isn't just about what you post. It's equally about how you engage with other people's content. Commenting, liking, and sharing relevant posts in your industry can significantly increase your visibility and credibility.

✅ Utilize Both Personal Profiles and Pages for Engagement — You can engage with content both as your personal profile and as your company page. Each has its own advantages: personal profiles are great for building individual connections, while company pages can enhance your brand's presence.

✅ Drive Engagement Back to Your Profile and Content — Your interactions on other posts can attract viewers back to your profile. When they visit, they're more likely to explore and engage with your content. This cyclical process of engaging and attracting viewers plays a crucial role in expanding your reach and influence on the platform.

✅ Be Genuine and Add Value — Whenever you engage with others' content, aim to add value. Whether it’s offering insight, sharing a relevant experience, or asking a thought-provoking question, meaningful engagement is more likely to draw positive attention to your profile.

Incorporating these extra tips into your LinkedIn strategy can significantly enhance your overall impact on the platform.

It's not just about broadcasting your content, but also about participating in a wider conversation within your professional community.


It's clear now, isn't it?

A thoughtfully developed LinkedIn content strategy is key to amplifying your impact and achieving success on the platform.

By putting these strategies into action, you're not just upping your LinkedIn game – you're also paving the way for broader business and networking achievements.

Why not start off on the right foot with an all-in-one tool that streamlines your content creation, tracks your success, and lets you organize future posts conveniently?

That's exactly what AuthoredUp offers.

Benefits of Utilizing AuthoredUp in Your LinkedIn Content Strategy

AuthoredUp, as a comprehensive LinkedIn content tool, brings several key benefits to your strategy:

🌸 Efficient Content Creation — Simplifies the process of creating engaging and relevant content for LinkedIn.

🌸 Success Monitoring — Provides tools to track the performance of your posts, helping you understand what works best.

🌸 Post Storage and Organization — Allows you to store and manage future posts in one place, ensuring a streamlined and organized approach to your LinkedIn strategy.

With AuthoredUp, enhancing your LinkedIn presence becomes more manageable and effective, giving you the edge you need in today's competitive digital landscape.


Eager to find out what else it offers?

Jumpstart your LinkedIn success now!

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